
Program for Messias på DTU 2010

Her er programmet for Messias på DTU torsdag den 9. december 2010
(forprøve kl. 16, koncert kl. 17)

3 And the Glory of the Lord
6 And He shall purify
12 For unto us a child is born
13 Pifa
14 There were shepherds (sopran)
15 Glory to God
16 Rejoice (sopran)
19 His yoke is easy

31 Lift up your heads
32 Unto which of the angels
33 Let alle the the angels of God
35 The Lord gave the word
38 Why do the nations (bas)
39 Let us break their bonds
42 Halleluja

43 I know that my redeemer liveth (sopran)
44 Since by man came death
45 Behold, I tell you a mystery (bas)
46 The trumpet shall sound (bas)
51 Worthy is the Lamb
52 Amen

Adressen er Anker Engelunds Vej 1, 2800 Kongens Lyngby.

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Bygningen vi skal varme op i er 101 - og vi skal ind ad indgang A. Derefter til højre - gennem glasdørene, op ad vindeltrappen og ind i mødelokalet.